Thursday, 19 July 2018

Busy June

With us all enjoying such a beautiful summer, jobs in the WESC garden haven't been a hardship at all as eveyone's been enjoying the fresh air and sunshine.

Steve, Maggie's partner kindly gave up his free time to take down the silver birch whose position was stopping light getting into the greenhouse.  He also spent time making sure the logs were put to really good use - thank you Steve, you did a brilliant job

Our fantastic Therapy team enjoyed their team meeting outside for a change

As June moved on a group of young people on the Positive Pathways course at Exeter College spent time at WESC and really helped make strides in the Wildlife Garden

Erecting a pergola to make the entrance into the Wildlife Garden

The group also helped to paint the sheds and prepare the new pathway into the Wildlife Garden using weed suppressant material and bark chippings - thank you all, you really made a difference.

The work didn't stop there - a large group of employees from Exe Insurance volunteered their time and really got stuck into some serious groundwork

They carried on the good work the Positive Pathways group had started by clearing out the borders in the Wildlife Garden getting rid of roots and stones and double digging the ground over ready for planting and edging

They really worked hard digging 2 holes large enough to sink a large plastic container into so they could plant both the bamboo and gunnera. The team rose to the challenge knowing it would be well worthwhile to keep the bamboo from invading the garden and to keep the gunnera roots damp.

The group also placed rainbow boulders, which came all the way from Derbyshire, around the borders inside the centre circle of the Wildlife Garden giving light to the area and showing off the planting.

Another team from the Exe Insurance group really got stuck in clearing the area for access to the cold frame

and the finished article - great job!

More exciting changes have happened in July so keep watching this space!


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