Tuesday, 27 March 2018

Congratulations Louis!!!

We would just like to say  congratulations to Louis who has won the BASH Award for Making healthy choices!!

The BASH Awards are run by Devon and Cornwall Police, in partnership with South Devon and Torbay NHS, Roc-Active and Devon Link-Up 

The BASH Awards recognise the positive achievements of people living with disabilities in Devon. 

What a great way to recognise all the hard work Louis has put into the gardening project at WESC. 

Louis has been integral to the development of the gardening project from the beginning. 

A BIG BIG thank you!!

Tuesday, 20 March 2018

Winter at WESC

This winter in the polytunnels we have been planting shallots, onions and garlic.

They are a really good size for our students to handle, very robust and frost hardy so pretty reliable for the cold weather we are having.

We have planted them in our polytunnels in well prepared free draining compost.

In rows spacing correctly for each cultivar, using bamboo canes as spacers.

 We have chosen to do the garlic in modules and plant on later.

Also, we have been hard at work in preparation for sowing in the spring. 

This has involved clearing the raised vegetable beds, mulching and fleecing.

Finally, Matthew has been potting on the Geranium Palmatums in preparation for planting out in the spring.