This week was Chloe's last week, she has been integral to the project regularly helping to water, weed and plant out and generally keep the poly tunnels running!
The last job we did together was to plant out the next crop of salads, that we started from seeds. As they have been so well used we decided to try a wider variety of lettuces from Little gems, Mizuno, Romano and Japanese Leaves.
To start with we ripped out the last of the lettuces that had bolted. Prepared the bed. And put in a tight line.
After planting we watered well and planted some extra Marigolds for fun!
Muddy Hands! Thank you for all your Help.
Also Gabbys class made some lovely courgette Muffins using produce that we have grown, they were very tasty.
Finally, Louie did a great job feeding and watering the runner beans.