Thursday, 20 July 2017

Chloe's last week

This week was Chloe's last week, she has been integral to the project regularly helping to water, weed and plant out and generally keep the poly tunnels running!

The last job we did together was to plant out the next crop of salads, that we started from seeds. As they have been so well used we decided to try a wider variety of lettuces from Little gems, Mizuno, Romano and Japanese Leaves.

To start with we ripped out the last of the lettuces that had bolted. Prepared the bed. And put in a tight line.

After planting we watered well and planted some extra Marigolds for fun!

Muddy Hands! Thank you for all your Help.

Also Gabbys class made some lovely courgette Muffins using produce that we have grown, they were very tasty. 

Finally, Louie did a great job feeding and watering the runner beans.

Delivering Flowers

This week as we are coming to the end of another successful project. We had a variety of tasks to complete with the help of Exeter college students. 

Exeter College collected the last of the summer bedding plants from West Hill and delivered them to the WESC shop in Heavitree.

They got the opportunity to meet staff and volunteers and learn a bit more about WESC and how the plants they helped grow helps to raise funds for the charity.  

Also, after the kitchen had made good use of our first crop of Spinach and Kale, we cleared the Brassicas bed ready to plant more Kale, Chard and Cabbage.

We took the opportunity to learn a bit about row spacing and the importance of planning your planting. 

After planting and watering, we mulched around the plants to improve water retention in the soil and reduce weeding (fingers crossed!) 

Job Done.

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Raspberries and window boxes

This week has been lots of fun. 

We have had Molly from Queen Elizabeth's in Crediton helping out. Planting giant sunflowers that we have grown from seed with Gabbys class.

Molly also planted out Zinnias and cosmos grown from seed, we have added them to the wild herb bed to add some extra colour.

Also, Chloe has been helping out in the polytunnels staking up the chilli plants.

And Louie has had success with his first cucumber, he decided to pick it and donate it to the kitchen.

We have had our first crop of Raspberries, Jordan helped Martin pick them and they will make a lovely raspberry trifle.

Caroline's class finished making and painting the window boxes. Collected the plants that they have grown to take home with them. Jago said it will make a great gift for his Mum.


Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Edible Nasturtiums


This week with Penny's group we completed a couple of projects, the first one involved potting on the Zinnia's that we have grown from seed with Matt's group. 

We prepared the multi purpose compost adding perlite and mixing thoroughly.

We lifted the young plant from the 7.5 cm pot and placed into a 9cm pot, carefully topping the pot up with compost.

Making sure to maintain the original planting depth.

The next job was pricking out the Nasturtium seedlings that Gabby's group planted. We soaked the seeds before sowing and they have germinated incredibly quickly!

After preparing the compost and perlite we half filled the 7.5cm pots.

Then we lifted the Young Seedlings, trying not to damage the root systems (luckily Nasturtiums are very hardy!)

Placed into the pot and over filled with compost.

And gave them a good watering to settle the roots. The plan is to plant the Nasturtiums in our ornamental kitchen garden as the flowers are edible and can be added to salads.

One other job that was vital last week was watering, everyone on site pitched in helping to keep our plants happy and healthy in the hot weather.

 Thank you to everyone for their help!

Thursday, 6 July 2017

Busy Week At WESC

This week we had two groups volunteering at WESC. One group from Devon County Council and a second from Exeter college positive pathways. 

The first project involved finishing the ornamental Kitchen Garden for Adult Day Services. Previously Exeter College helped to clear the bed in preparation for re-planting.

Devon CC volunteers took on the job of laying landscape fabric and filling with a combination of organic mulch, compost and top soil. 

Once finished we raked in some fertiliser and removed any debris, ready for planting.

With Exeter College we planned the planting layout working in three triangles. One for Runner Beans Pinstripe. We decided to go for an inverse wigwam. This will encourage the Runner Beans to climb up and then fall over the top making picking them easier

The second triangle combined Butternut Squash, Hubbard Squash and Courgettes. We intercropped with salads, Mizuna Lettuces, Little Gems and Romaine. 

The third triangle combined Tomatoes Gardener's Delight with Basil and Curly Parsley. Planted in 3's.

After watering we mulched with a thick layer of organic mulch to reduce water loss and discourage weeds.

We were able to fix the original pond pump, to create the sound of gentle bubbling water, adding another sensory experience for our students.

Now we just need to decide what flowers to add... 

Definitely a job for Shelley's group!!