Thursday, 26 January 2017

A chilly week at WESC

This week we completed a couple of propagating tasks inside out of the cold.

Following on from last week, while lifting and dividing a hardy Geranium (Geranium macrorrhizum) we took the opportunity to take some fibrous root cuttings. 

We lifted a large Aloe Vera plant and divided the baby plants from the base of the parent plant (making sure that they all had a few good roots), and potted them on in a well-drained gritty compost. We were able to get 10 healthy plants from one plant.

Also, we started off some Dahlia tubers (Dahlia Bishop of Llandaff) that we had lifted and overwintered indoors. Dividing them and planting them in trays, just under the soil, eyes facing up and put them in a heated seed tray in the conservatory to try and encourage them.

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Bulbs in Tea cups

This week we also planted the last of the Daffodils (Narcissus Tete a Tete) into tea cups.

The crocus bulbs (Crocus Tommasinianus) and Snowdrops (Galanthus  nivalis) planted last year are now showing.

This week at WESC

This week at WESC we took root cuttings of Bears Breeches (Acanthus Mollis).

 We also potted on some suckers!

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Today at WESC

Today at WESC we had a small group of learners planting Daffodil (Narcissus Tete a Tete) bulbs, Crocus Bulbs and planting on Sweet pea seedlings. 

This was the first time this group of young people have planted bulbs, so we took the opportunity to learn a bit about soil structure and the tools required. The sweet peas were seedlings that they have grown from seed. Much enjoyment was had by all.

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Welcome to the WESC Country Works Horticulture Blog

Thanks for stopping by!

Here you'll be updated regularly on what's happening in the world of horticulture at WESC Foundation and other exciting projects such as the one at West Hill

Information will be provided by our 
Horticulture Project Leader at WESC - Dylan Cheshire
& Horticulture Project Leader of West Hill - Patrick Phillips who will be joining us from February.

Not only will you find information on what's happening but we'll fill you in on what has happened so far and what the aspirations are for future projects from our Green Team.

Also we hope they'll provide you with the odd helpful handy hint so that your knowledge may grow and flourish like a Tulip in March

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